The Demystified Vine

Taking the mystery out of wine exploration!

I knew it was going to be a good seminar when I could see the line-up of attendees curling around the corner of the hallway at the Vancouver Convention Centre on Saturday, March 3rd, 2018. People approached the front table asking, “is that the line-up to get in?” Yes, yes it was. Folks eagerly awaited …

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Well folks, I don’t know about you, but here in the Pacific North West, it seems winter has hit already. Technically, we still have a few weeks to go until the official arrival of Mr. Cold & Bitter, but whatever, it’s not sunny. As such, we need to be ahead of the game with our …

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Tempranillo is one of Spain’s most favoured varetials. It’s a black grape that is grown widely across the entire country. As a result, it is harvested and turned into wine of either single varietal, or added with other varietals of the country, including Graciano, Garnacha (Spanish for Grenache), Mazuelo, or some international varietals such as …

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